Many people use wall units to hold books, pictures and other small items. As attractive as these pieces are, they usually consist of several small components and they are usually very difficult to assemble. Even if you buy a wall unit that is already assembled, you may still find trouble fitting it through your doorway, elevator or stairwell.
At Take Apart Sofa, we specialize in assembling and/or taking apart wall units along with many other large and “hard to fit” bulky pieces of furniture so that you can avoid the trouble of dealing with it yourself.
When you purchase a new wall unit, we’ll help you dismantle it or assemble it straight out of the box for you.
If you are moving, we can assist with getting your furniture safely transported and set-up correctly in your new home. Whether you need to have your wall unit assembled or reassembled, contact us today for a free quote.
(718) 268-2727 / (321) 221-1112 / (888) 575-6757